Resources to help you improve performance through strategic conversation.

11 Tips to Make the Most of Remote & Hybrid Workers’ In-Office Time
These 11 tips will help you make in-office time for your remote and hybrid workers worth their while so that they stay engaged, productive, and happy.

Managing Remote/Hybrid Workers Effectively
The most important part of managing remote or hybrid workers isn’t that they’re not (always) in the office. it’s having strategic conversations with them.

A Manager’s Step-by-Step Guide to Goal Setting and Review
Clear goals are the backbone of managing an effective team. Many managers struggle to lead their teams effectively because they overlook the importance of setting transparent and achievable objectives.

How to Help Managers Provide Constructive Feedback
When managers don’t understand how to communicate effectively, it’s easy for them to give feedback that is too vague or too harsh, which can ultimately demotivate employees.

How to Improve Managers’ Personal Skills
What matters in a business conversation often depends less on what is said than on how it is said. So here are some tips on how your managers should have these conversations with direct reports:

3 Ways to Boost Employee Engagement and Improve Retention
These three strategies can help you boost team morale, increase productivity, and enhance job satisfaction. Doing these things ultimately leads to improved employee retention and a stronger, more resilient organization.

How to Be a Facilitative Manager
Are you a facilitative manager? Most of us would say we are, or at least would like to think we are. But being a facilitative manager isn’t just an attitude. It’s also a set of behaviors, and perhaps the most important is giving up control.

How to Format Your Business Documents to Get Results
Writing clear and concise business documents is critical in achieving these benefits, but formatting is also important: the way your writing appears visually on the page (or screen).

14 Key Observations from Coaching Thousands of Leaders
Over the past 30+ years, AlexanderHancock Associates founding partner Emmie Alexander has assessed, coached, and trained thousands of leaders at all levels, in a wide range of industry sectors in many parts of the world. Here she offers some observations based on those interactions.

Why Strategic Conversation Matters in Your Organization
Strategic conversation is a powerful way to move your organization closer to its goals, but a lot of organizations don’t use it, or only think they use it.

How to Create a Culture of Workplace Accountability
A recent study shows that 82% of managers believe they have “limited to no” ability to hold others accountable, and 91% of employees say that “effectively holding others accountable” is one of their company’s most pressing leadership-development needs.

How to Coach Difficult Employees
Among the biggest challenges you as a manager may face is coaching difficult employees—employees who may seem to have attitude problems.

Case Study: Business Writing
How we helped a large financial services company’s internal auditors improve their writing.

How to Identify High-Impact Development Opportunities
In developing and implementing high-impact training programs for more than 150 organizations—including Fortune 500 companies—we’ve identified three important considerations when evaluating the effectiveness of a training program.

Why Business Writing Skills Matter
Many professionals don’t consider writing a core part of their job—much less consider themselves to be writers—but writing is an essential skill every employee in an organization must have.

Coaching vs. Managing Employees
What’s the difference between managing and coaching?
It seems like a simple question, and yet a lot of managers struggle to answer it. And if they’re struggling to answer that question, they probably also are struggling to coach—if they’re coaching at all.

The 3-Part Framework for Strategic Conversations
Strategic conversation is how managers motivate their team members, improve performance, solve complex problems, and address issues. In short, conversation is how business gets done.

Case Study: Performance Improvement
How we helped a large financial services company greatly improve its customer service unit’s performance.

The 3 Roles of an Effective Manager
A lot goes in to effectively managing people and performance, but it all boils down to these three roles that a manager must play to improve individual and team performance.

How to Retain Employees in a Tight Labor Market
While organizations might have some level of success in implementing various initiatives such as wellness programs and team-building activities, there are three core problems that organizations encounter when addressing employee turnover.