Think and Act Strategically
Give your team the processes and tools to think and act strategically on issues currently facing the organization.
The issues organizations face today are more complex and persistent than ever before. Many of them have no obvious or easy solution.
This program teaches participants how to think like a CEO, grappling with strategic issues and developing actions to address them. Both managers and individual contributors consider the impact on the whole organization—not just their business units—when making decisions, and see how their actions and decisions impact business outcomes.
We teach thinking and acting strategically by bringing in a senior executive of your organization to present a current strategic issue that the organization has not yet been able to solve.
In small groups, participants analyze the issue using the five strategic thinking tools we teach. After analyzing the issue, groups present their conclusions and recommendations to the executive, who, in consultation with the facilitator, challenges their thinking and provides real-world commentary, guidance, and feedback to the class.
Strategic Thinking Skills to Create a More Strategic Organization
Working with senior executives challenges employees’ thinking by exposing them to the strategic thought processes that executives use daily.
This, in combination with having strategic conversations with team members on real-life issues, has an immediate impact on the organization:
Employees approach their managers and executives with proposed solutions to complex issues rather than with a list of problems they need upper management to solve for them.
Employees see the organization-wide implications of their decisions and actions, and therefore take action that supports the organization as a whole—not just their own business unit.
Individual and team performance improves because employees are able to identify and proactively address obstacles in their work.
Employees gain the strategic perspective critical for effective leadership, thus increasing the organization’s internal talent pool for future leadership positions.
Employees feel that their managers and executives truly value their thoughts and perspectives, thus increasing their sense of ownership and purpose within the organization.
What Participants Learn
We take a unique approach to Think and Act Strategically that helps participants begin implementing key skills immediately following the program:
More clearly differentiating tactical and strategic issues, and understanding the differences in how to approach each of them.
Broadening their perspective and letting them “see with new eyes” the situations they confront daily—seeing the whole system, not just their piece of it.
Holding strategic conversations with their teams to share perspectives, challenge each other’s thought processes, and build consensus on how to address critical issues.
Selecting and leveraging appropriate tools for strategic thinking.
Asking strategic questions that prompt deeper thinking and identify root causes of current situations.
Thinking through the implications of their decisions and actions, thus avoiding unintended consequences.
Developing and implementing lasting solutions that shift organizational culture.
Thinking creatively about different options.
“The commitment to engaging in their customer’s problems is what sets AlexanderHancock apart. They don’t want to just deliver a canned program that doesn’t relate to your business issues. They spend the time finding out what real business problems you’d like to solve and then build a program to find those solutions.”
Targeted Customization
We tailor the program for your specific situations, needs, and organizational culture.
Focused Skill-Building
Participants experience intensive practice and skill-building rather than only learning concepts and theory.
Concrete Problem-Solving
Throughout this training, participants grapple with a real-life strategic issue that their organization is currently facing.
Program Details
Real-Life Issue: Before the workshop, we’ll work with a senior executive in your organization to choose and frame the real-life strategic issue we’ll focus on in the program. We’ll also work with the executive on how to handle the debrief of the issue.
7.5 Hours: Think and Act Strategically is 7.5 hours.
Program Structure: During the first half of the day, we engage participants in learning the five strategic thinking tools and gaining familiarity with them through brief, customized exercises.
During the second half of the day, the executive presents the strategic issue, and participants work in teams to analyze the issue and develop recommendations.
Finally, teams of participants present their recommendations to the executive, who challenges participants’ thought processes and evaluates their recommendations.
12-20 Participants: This program works best for 12-20 participants, and we’ve found that 16 participants is the sweet spot.
Hands-On Practice: Approximately 2/3 of the day is devoted to hands-on practice.
Offered In-Person Only: We offer Think and Act Strategically in-person only.
Strategic Thinking Skills That Last
One of the reasons we promise such amazing results is that we track key metrics to ensure that our programs create sustained, measurable results for our clients:
Post-Program Survey: Following the program, we seek feedback from participants in which they assess their strategic thinking skills and confidence both before and after the course.
Reporting & Analysis: After receiving feedback from participants, we provide a written summary with recommendations and meet with you to review it.
Additional Follow-Up: We’ll work with you to identify opportunities to sustain and further improve effective strategic thinking habits.
Get Started
Want to learn more about how Think and Act Strategically can help your team address complex issues within their business unit and the organization as a whole?
Just fill out the form below to let us know, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!